Candy Land Frands

Candy Land Frands

Happy Hump Day everyone!  I hope you are all having a fabbbbulous day.  I had a minute of time during a break at work and happen to run into my bestie Brooklynn Frostbite, so we decided to show you some more fun stuff you can get at Candy Fair 2013.  If you haven’t had a chance to get down there, there’s a lot of fun stuff to look at and buy, and you have until the 18th to do so!

I’m totally in love with this skin that The Skinnery released at Candy Fair.  There are a few different make ups to choose from but his one fit perfect for my outfit.  I have a Candy Face!  You can’t beat that hehe.

And this dress from Sassy is just too cute too.  There are 4 different colors to choose from but I was on a mint kick, so this was definitely the winner!

This crown is just doll.  It’s a gumball crown from Atooly!  If you’ve never been to Atooly, she really makes some adorable things, and you must go check out this at the Candy Fair and mosey on down to her store too to find more goodies!

Wanna know what Brooklynn (to the left) is wearing?  Click HERE!

Happy Shopping!

♥ Dani (on the right)

It’s a Panda-Monium


Yeah it’s definitely a Pandemonium down at The Arcade still!  6 Days since its opened and it’s still full!  So many good items to pick up you just can’t get enough.

Well I’ll tell you, I finally got enough when I got all the things I wanted!  I got my white romper from Auxiliary to go with my Panda hood!  Yay!  So my set is complete.

Oh and also my Glam Affair set is complete!  15 GORGEOUS skins you have to go get!  This one right here is Luria #7!  I just adore the lip color on this one.

Go gatcha shopping on down at The Arcade!

Happy Shopping,

♥ Dani